REACH (registration, evaluation & authorization of chemicals) is a new EU regulation. It requires manufacturers and importers to provide information on chemicals imported more than one tons per year. This requirement also applies to chemical in article more than one tons per year. Manufactures should well prepare chemical information for registration, which should be communicated throughout the supply chain.
REACH requires almost all chemical substances sold in the EU to be registered, and obliges industry to have a safety evaluation and information registration regarding all substances that are subject to regulation.
It will not only affect chemicals as such. Articles, i. e. goods that are put in circulation on the EU market must not pose a hazard due to substances that may be released.
REACH went into effect on June 1st, 2007. The ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) start registration processes in 2008.
It is not only manufacturers and importers of chemical substances who are obliged to register and report the actual chemical substances they handle; manufacturers of articles containing chemical substances are also required to do the same.
REACH - Consulting
TCP experienced technical consultants offer advisory services concerning REACH compliance throughout the regulatory process.
According to your products and industry issues, TCP will provide you with the adapted information so that you can set up the right strategy and ensure REACH compliance.
TCP offer REACH Service for:
- REACH Registration
- REACH for Producers of Articles
- Only Representative
- Third Party Representative
- GHS Converter
- SVHC Testing’s
- Safety Data Sheets
- SIEF Participation Service
- IUCLID 5 Hosting
Detailed information will provided by our REACH expert team ... contact.
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